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BTC Regatta. Saturday, 20th August, 2016. Program.

The draft Program and instructions for BTC Regatta on Saturday, 20th August, 2016 - can now be downloaded, in pdf. format, from it's Calender entry on the H&D ARA Website - at


Message from South Coast Journalism ref. Filming at Itchen Regatta on Saturday.

South Coast Journalism will be providing our usual highlights service for this Saturday's Itchen Regatta but there will be a change for our Online Store. 

The usual camera-team are unavailable for the regatta, so Talia (pictured, right) will be filming the regatta independently. 
This is only an issue due to the length of the regatta and Talia will not be able to charge batteries or take a break if she was to film the entire 77 race, 7+ hours programme (we normally have 2 team-members on for the longer regattas).
All the adult finals, including the Double Sculls, are set to be filmed. Talia cannot film every heat. However, we understand how important it is for crews to be able to download the race footage so we have set up a pre-order service in our Online Store for the heats / semi-finals. (link:!/Itchen-Regatta-Heats-Pre-Order/p/69858169/category=20573125)

Please order before 9pm on Friday (12th August) so that we can set up a final filming list for Talia to work from on Saturday. If, for whatever reason, your pre-ordered race is scratched or is not filmed, you will be given a full refund. 

Video Highlights, pre-ordered downloads and instant downloads will be published on Monday night (estimated time is 9pm). 

Thank you for your continued support. 

Alex Barnes




2016 South Coast Championships Regatta, Herne Bay, 3/9/16. Friday Evening Reception

Clubs and individuals should have started to receive invitations to the 2016 South Coast Championships Civic Reception and Championship draw - at the Herne Bay R. C. Clubhouse on Friday, 2nd September, 2016 the evening before the Regatta.
Your Executive Officers just wanted to make you all aware of who should be receiving invitations and why. Herne Bay Rowing Club who are hosting the Regatta on behalf of the Coast Amateur Rowing Association have limited the number of invitations to fifty per Association - and as a result your Executive Officers have been forced to make a decision on who would receive them. 
Our decision was that each affiliated club should receive two invitations, the Associations Executive Officers and their partners, the Hants & Dorset South Coast Council Delegates and their partners and the H&DARA Race Officials at the Championhips and their partners should receive an invitation - and in spite of duplications this still exceeded the fifty tickets we were allocated. Unfortunately this left no tickets for the other Association Life Vice Presidents or representatives from the H&D ARA Championship crews - which is very disappointing. No doubt some will argue that this distribution of tickets is unfair and should have been done differently - but it is in line with the recent practise.
Clubs can of course choose to allocate their two Club invitations to representatives of their Championship crews as can any individual who receives an invitation.
Presumably for most Championship crews representatives it will be the Championship draw they will be most interested in and so - subject to an appropriate signal/Internet connection we will attempt to post the Championship draws on to the H&D Web site - and to our Twitter feed and face book page as soon as we can.
It is disappointing that we are unable to invite the representatives of the Championships but we hope you will understand and accept the decision taken by your Executive Officers in the light of the invitation restrictions.



Itchen Imperial R. C. Regatta - Draft Program & Warning ref. Parking

The draft Program and instructions for Itchen Regatta on Saturday, 13tg August, 2016 - can now be downloaded, in pdf. format, from it's Calender entry on the H&D ARA Website - at

Note from the regatta - a huge inconvenience this year is that Southampton FC have scheduled a home game on the same day as our regatta ... if they had only asked.......  This means that there will be NO parking at the regatta venue for competitors, officials and spectators. The nearest public parking is at Ocean Village approx. quarter mile away. Itchen are able to provide parking for boat trailers and towing vehicles in the sea scout compound and if required on the public slipway spaces (not the usual parking arrangements) so please follow the marshalls directions and instructions. It is suggested that club members car share as much as possible.




Provisional Result Spreadsheet and Championship Table up to and including Woolston Regatta

The provisional Result Spreadsheet and Championship Table up to and including Woolston Regatta can now be downloaded from the H&D ARA Web site - at - go to the Results tab.

These are provisional results and are subject to confirmation and clarification. If you spot any errors - and there will be some - please E Mail the Association Secretary - Steve Bull - on - so they can be checked out and corrected.